What are Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)?
Volatile organic compounds (abbreviated as VOCs) are gases that emanate from some solids or liquids and include a range of chemicals which may have short or long-term negative health effects.
The Issue
A big problem is that the concentrations of VOCs are consistently higher in the interior spaces. Up to ten times higher than outdoors. They are readily found in most homes, which most people think of as their safe place in the world, the sanctum-sanctorum of private life.
The number of products emitting such run in the thousands, and all them release VOCs not only when in use but also when stored.Most people is aware that organic chemicals are widely used in household products, fuels of all types, varnishes and wax, cleaning and disinfecting products, cosmetics, degreasers and more.
However, many homeowners don’t realize how often VOCs are introduced to the home when it’s being built or renovated. Construction materials, paints, and adhesives, among others, are high on the list of VOCs emitting products, and poor designs in terms of air flow often compound the issue.
According to the EPA some of the health effects of exposure to VOCs may include eye, nose and throat irritation, headaches, loss of coordination and nausea, damage to liver, kidney and central nervous system. Some organics can cause cancer in animals, some are suspected or known to cause cancer in humans.
The same source cites a variety of symptoms associated with exposure, which range from conjunctival irritation, to nose and throat discomfort, headache, allergic skin reactions and more.
Dealing with VOCs
For these reasons, it is of paramount importance to make sure the reduction of VOCs in the household starts right at the beginning, with the planning and construction process.
Clay Construction in Vancouver, British Columbia, works with their clients to ensure this issue is taken very seriously at every step of the way. For this purpose they closely monitor the construction materials, and implement designs that permits for better ventilation in order to reduce harmful toxins and minimize their effects.
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